2024 Maritime Late Model Mid-Season Recap Part 1 of 2

July 31st, 2024

With both the Super Late Model Series (SLMS) & the East Coast International Pro Stock Tour (ECIPST) touring series’ 1 race past their half-way mark, and the non-tour sanctioned Speedway 660 250 Lap race, the Centre for Speed 200 Lap race, and the Petty International Raceway Mike Stevens Memorial 254 Lap race all remaining, this feels roughly like the half-way marker of the season here. Some storylines have emerged this season, while some others have carried on from last year. In this article, we will have a look at several of the many noteworthy parts of the year so far.

#2 Ashton Tucker's Historic Podium Streak Continues:

Tucker has been a dominant force in the Maritime Late Model scene, continuing an impressive streak of podium finishes that he started last year, between both unsanctioned/open competition races, and sanctioned tour races as part of the SLMS & ECIPST. Thank you to Denver Matchett for making this great post on the Maritime Late Model FB page, where he wrote/provided the stats seen below (I changed Tucker's streak from 11 to 12, to reflect his IWK 250 podium finish, which hadn't yet taken place when Denver shared these stats):

Dating back to the Summer Clash 250 last year, Ashton has finished on the podium in 12 straight starts across all sanctioning bodies. Since 2000, some of the longest streaks based on available data:

  • Cassius Clark: 12 (2014-16, MPST, Open Comp)

  • Ashton Tucker: 12 (2023-24, SLMS, MPST, Open Comp)

  • Dylan Blenkhorn: 9 (2016-17, Open Comp, MPST)

  • Bobby White: 9 (2000, MASCAR)

  • Ashton Tucker: 8 (2020, Open Comp, MPST)

  • Craig Slaunwhite: 7* (2021, MPST, Open Comp, * received a non-technical DQ at the 660 250)

  • Wayne Smith: 7 (2000-01, MASCAR, MPST, PASS)

  • Jonathan Hicken: 6 (2014, MPST, Open Comp)

  • John Flemming: 6 (2002, MPST)

Tucker is also leading the SLMS points race.

#40 Robbie MacEwan's Consistency and Triumph Over Chaos:

MacEwan has demonstrated remarkable consistency in the Super Late Model Series (SLMS), finishing in the top 10 in every race this season, as well as last season, making him the only driver in the SLMS to achieve this feat. In his most recent race, his first start in the Pro Stock Tour this year, he achieved victory in a chaotic race, where he skillfully avoided multiple incidents all around him, and he will look to carry that momentum down the stretch in his challenge for the SLMS championship.

It can be easy to lose focus in a situation when the race isn’t playing into your favour. I like to think of situations where I’ve overcame adversity in the past and remind myself to never give up. I feel like that’s been our attitude for our team for several years and many more to come. We have been at the lowest of lows and highest of highs and you just have to stay in the fight and things will work out in the end. One thing I’ve learned to accept in racing is the fact that sometimes, it just isn’t your day. - MacEwan, reflecting on his focus at times when a race becomes chaotic, such as at his most recent outing, his victory at Oyster Bed on the PST.

When it comes to consistency you have to pick and choose your battles. I feel like I’m that guy that may let you go early in the race but I’m going to go back by at the end when you burn your stuff up. But it’s not just what happens on the track to lead to a stat like that. We put a lot of time in the shop to make sure we are mechanically ready and always keeping up on our maintenance. You also need Lady Luck on your side but I’m a firm believer that races are won in the shop and I know the crew and myself put just as much effort and time into this as any other team in the Maritimes and that’s what it takes to be at the top. - MacEwan, on his consistency.

#13 Austin MacDonald’s Full-Time Local Debut:

It has been a treat to see the #13 King Racing house car again regularly. MacDonald, a young driver had made 11 starts for the Pro Stock Tour, going back to 2019, but was never here consistently. The majority of his starts came in the CARS Tour Pro Late Model Series, along with starts in New Smyrna’s Speedweeks World Series of Asphalt Racing, PASS North, and PASS National. Although very unlike our tracks, he has shown particular strength on tracks in excess of 1/2 mile, up to 1 mile. Having completed every lap this year, and having finishes of 6th, 9th, 5th, 2nd, 4th, and 10th, consistency has been paying off for him. Though he hasn't recorded his first win yet, he is still in the mix for the championship title, especially if he can break-through for a first win, or more.

#36 Gary Elliot's 900th Consecutive Night - Scotia 250:

"Canada's Iron Man," Gary Elliot, with his iconic Quaker State scheme, is set to achieve an extraordinary milestone by participating in his 900th consecutive scheduled race, this will take place at Scotia Speedworld's Summer Clash 250 on August 10th, 2024. This streak dates back to 1987 and will go down in Canadian Motorsports history by the time it comes to an end — if it ever does end.

#83 Cory Hall's Standout Year:

While not every outing for Hall this year has finished exactly the way that he would hope, everywhere he has gone this year, including in PASS competition in the USA, he has looked like a primary threat for the win. In the SLMS he has finishes of: 2nd, 2nd, 1st, and 2nd, and sits just 4 points behind Tucker for the points lead. With 2 SLMS races left, Hall has a very strong opportunity to win the championship, and he will be a favourite for any other regional race he runs this year.

#99 Craig Slaunwhite's Return:

After testing the waters at Oxford Plains Speedway, Maine in preparation for the Oxford 250, Slaunwhite made his first start of 2024 in the Maritimes count, winning the IWK 250 for the second year in a row, managing to hold off a late charge from Jarrett Butcher, and executing on an excellent restart with 5 laps to go, also holding off a hard-charging Ashton Tucker. To make things extra-special, he was awarded the first annual (Junior) Hanley Cup, given to the fastest time trial run for the IWK 250, and he was presented the cup by Hanley himself. To add to the moment, Frank Fraser was also present.

[Click here for Part 2]


2024 Maritime Late Model Mid-Season Recap Part 2 of 2


Cole Butcher Expected to Miss the Next 2 ASA STARS Tour Races